New Fee Structure

The overall fee structure for our programs will be updated from

maker rebate / taker fee model


flat taker fee with a fee split between (1) brokers (eg Frontends, TG bots, API users) and (2) Tensor Foundation

Old Fee Structure New Fee Structure

  • Taker Fee: 1.5%
  • Maker Fee: -0.25% (Rebate)

In this model placing limit orders would net a small rebate paid at the time of the order being taken.

  • Taker Fee: 2%
  • Maker Fee: 0%

The taker fee is split amongst three parties:

  • Tensor Foundation → 1%
  • makerBroker → 0.8%
  • takerBroker → 0.2%

What are makerBrokers / takerBrokers?

  • makerBroker → wallet passed through the API/SDK when placing maker orders (ie limit bids, limit asks/listings)
  • takerBroker → wallet passed through the API/SDK when placing taker orders (ie buy now, sell now)

Both makerBroker and takerBroker wallets will receive their fee-share when the order gets taken.
If makerBroker or takerBroker aren't specified, their fee part will get assigned to Tensor Foundation's fee wallet.